Where are the Best Places to Recruit New Employees?

Looking for quality employees doesn’t have to feel like a daunting task. Things can be simple when you follow a simple chain of commands. Although 68 percent of HR professionals report problems placing people in job positions, according to Better Team, you can still combat the problem with putting more creativity and thought into hiring people who will stay for the long haul. Other things you can do that do not include jumping on job boards are making sure that your new hires have the best possible onboarding experience. 69 percent of employees who went through a positive onboarding process ended up staying with their company for over three years, according to SHRM.

Keeping employees is an entire process that you have to go through. But if you do it correctly, it is worth it. Check out this list of some of the best places to recruit new employees.

Look for New Employees Internally

One thing you can do to look for new candidates is look within the employees that you currently have. Post the job posting to current employees first, allowing them a chance to apply. You can also have your employees share your post for you, which will in turn generate leads for your position. It’s often good to ask employees if they know someone who wants to work because they will often choose someone who has a good work ethic. No one wants to recommend a job to someone that is going to make them look bad. You can also go through your mutual connections, according to Fit Small Business. We also recommend giving current employees incentives to get new hires in the door. Internally hiring also gives you a way to not have to deal with any staffing insurance issues.

Utilize Social Media to a Tee

Social media can be your friend. Besides posting on job boards, get on all of your social media handles. It can be easy to find new hires through Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter. It’s also giving you an advantage because you’re offering a job to people who already may be a fan of your company, according to Work Bright.

Take Advantage of Networking Events

Attend a networking event or two, and you’ll probably find some awesome, like-minded people who may want to work for your company. Networking events allow you to spread the message far and wide about your latest job opening.

Leave Your Comfort Zone

Another way you can find more people to work for you is by looking past your current geographic location. Not every employee necessarily needs to be located in your city, especially if the job doesn’t have to be done onsite. You may often be able to find to freelancer who can complete contract work for you.


About World Wide Specialty Programs

For the last 50 years, World Wide Specialty Programs has dedicated itself to providing the optimal products and solutions for the staffing industry. As the only insurance firm to be an ASA commercial liability partner, we are committed to that partnership and committed to using our knowledge of the industry to provide staffing firms with the best possible coverage. For more information about Staffing Professional Liability Insurance or any other coverage, we have available to protect your staffing business, give us a call at (800) 245-9653 to speak with one of our representatives.